Wild Sanctuary Tours

Tour the Wild Sanctuary
Saturday, April 10th and April 17th

Take a docent-led walking tour of the Wild Horse Sanctuary and learn about our history and mission.
Tours are approximately 45 minutes.

Tours will be held 3 times a day on select Saturdays at 11 am, 12:30 pm and 2 pm and are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Tours are limited to 12 people. This is an outdoor event. Social distancing and masks are required. Visitor’s center and restrooms open.

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Make A Donation

Your donations feed the wild horses when grazing is scarce, maintain fencing to keep them safe, purchase adjoining lands to increase grazing, improve range land and wildlife habitat by reseeding and fertilizing, build nature trails and campsites, and more.

We offer a variety of ways to donate. Make a Donation today!